Vivo again made a new buzz after the holiday season ended. Vivo again offer their products that V9 with new variants, which comes with specifications and prices that can be considered much more tempting. But this time Vivo V9 latest variant is no longer intended for the penggmer selfie, but for the users who are more active in playing the game. Vivo presents this new product with the title 6GB V9."Enhanced innovations in processors and technologies and RAM on the 6GB V9 we hope to meet the needs of consumers who want the V9 series that is more resilient and innovative," said Edy Kusuma as Brand Activation Vivo Indonesia.The specifications of this latest version of V9, from the kitchen side of the runway brings a significant increase. Vivo V9 latest version has been present using high-end SoC class is Snapdragon 660 and also 6GB RAM and 64 GB of internal storage. Previously, Vivo V9 offered with SoC Snapdragon 450.But for the camera, Vivo provide adjustments with the front 12 MP camera from the version of "pefect selfie" 24 MP. While the rear camera still uses the camera with 13 MP sensor + 2 MP. In addition Vivo also has embedded AI feature on the camera. Fixed screen size with 6.3 inches and Full HD resolution.Vivo offers this 6GB V9 device at a price of Rp. 4,299,000. The device is available through online shop such as JD.ID, Lazada, AkuLaku, and Shopee starting from June 28th (pre-order JD.ID to 4th July), and available on July 5, 2018. For offline store, will be available from date July 7, 2018. With the presence of this new variant, Vivo also presents a price adjustment for the standard V9 version to Rp.3.799.000.
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